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Hi, we are trying to get Spryker connected to a redis cluster via sentinel. But it doesn't work as d

Hi, we are trying to get Spryker connected to a redis cluster via sentinel. But it doesn't work as documented here: https://documentation.spryker.com/v2/docs/redis-configruation-201903 . Has someone already used this and can help?
First Error simply trying to connect we got this:
[2020-01-13 07:36:03] Zed.CRITICAL: Predis\Connection\ConnectionException - `SELECT` failed: ERR unknown command `SELECT`, with args beginning with: `1`, [<tcp://rfs-spryker-redis:26379>] in "/data/vendor/predis/predis/src/Connection/AbstractConnection.php::155" {"exception":"[object] (Predis\\Connection\\ConnectionException(code: 0): `SELECT` failed: ERR unknown command `SELECT`, with args beginning with: `1`,
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then we switched to the Config mentioned in the Docs, we got following Error:
PHP message: PHP Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Class 'SessionConstants' not found in /data/config/Shared/config_default-production.php:36
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Hey Ulrich,
You need to specify the class namespace withuse \Spryker\Shared\Storage\StorageConstants;
at the top.We will update the doc to avoid such confusion.
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Hi Denis;
we set this include, but the error remained
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It complains about SessionConstants:
use Spryker\Shared\Session\SessionConstants;
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Ah ya, I followed depreciations 😬
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