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Hi community, we are trying to clean up our production environments. per default "composer install"

U0121G9LVNC Posts: 27 πŸ§‘πŸ»β€πŸš€ - Cadet

Hi community,
we are trying to clean up our production environments. per default "composer install" is used to build for production. however this also installs dev dependencies which could lead to security issues.
Building the images with composer install --no-dev removes a whole bunch of dev dependencies. However these dependencies are required by the ShopApplication or Twig.
Is there a way to only use those plugins during development and NOT on production?
A good example is the WebProfiler https://documentation.spryker.com/docs/web-profiler-widget# which is required as a dev dependency but hardcoded in the application (see Screenshot 2, ShopApplicationDependencyProvider)
