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Also: Running the bootstrap on my windows machine, NOT in the Ubuntu VM. I want to develop and bu

Also: Running the bootstrap on my windows machine, NOT in the Ubuntu VM. I want to develop and build on windows and only deploy docker containers to the Ubuntu
...anybody else fallen in this hole before? Thanks in advance for any ideas!
on windows you can use devvm (vagrant) or docker on wsdl, there is no other way as far as I know.
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Not sure if you meant non-VM as in via Docker for Windows or completely natively, but if the latter, I would expand on this topic...
About a month and a half ago, I've actually tried to run our Spryker (B2B-based) project natively on Windows 10 as I previously had issues getting Virtualbox to work properly. I gave up after about 3 days after having tried 2 approaches:
β’ Natively with XAMPP portable (MariaDB instead of Postgres)
β’ Via Cygwin with apache and php7.3
All other dependent services - Redis 5, ES, RabbitMQ etc. - can be run natively and Spryker communicates with them over the network anyway.Problem: Currently a non-virtualized native setup is only possible on Linux.
Using PHP for Windows (via XAMPP or anything else)...
β’ While the PHP code of Spryker is largely cross platform, there are lots of little things even in the core libraries, which cause it to fail on Windows (e.g. console commands for Postgres DB management and install YAML recipes written to expect unix tools and a bash shell, use of posix_getpid(), etc.)
β’ And even with some simple hacks in the vendor libraries -> the classloader still choked when trying to resolve classes from Windows file paths, so all requests end with exceptions thrown
With some luck, maybe Cygwin might work (again, not officialy supported) but...
β’ Cannot choose the specific PHP runtime version (last I checked it's only php 7.3 available)
β’ I gave up mainly because it was so slow as to be unusable (mainly due to corporate AV)
So, the TL;DR: Unless you want to spend 3 days fighting windmills, you're probably better off getting docker or vagrant to work. π0
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