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Hello Everybody, I've upgraded ``merchant-custom-prices`` feature : `php -d memory_limit=-1 /usr/loc

Hello Everybody,
I've upgraded merchant-custom-prices
feature :php -d memory_limit=-1 /usr/local/bin/composer require "spryker-feature/merchant-custom-prices:^202009.0"Β --update-with-dependencies
As a next step I wanted to doΒ console propel:install
Β but faced an issue (attached).
Is this something you saw before?
It might be that I'm wrong, but similar issues were discussed internally and the solution was to try to lock
symfony/filesystem: 5.1.8
.0 -
Thanks, I'll check that.
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Valerii, we're using "feature" approach in composer.json where there is no
package. Do you have the same case?0 -
giovanni.piemontese Technical Lead @ LΓΆffelhardt Spryker Solution Partner Posts: 871 π§π»βπ - Cadet
symfony/filesystem: 5.1.8
v. 5.1.10 it will be releases at end of this month0 -
giovanni.piemontese Technical Lead @ LΓΆffelhardt Spryker Solution Partner Posts: 871 π§π»βπ - Cadet
composer required symfony/filesystem: 5.1.8
to constraint... when 5.1.10 released, then remove this constraint and runcomposer update
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Shall I use composer update or composer require ?
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giovanni.piemontese Technical Lead @ LΓΆffelhardt Spryker Solution Partner Posts: 871 π§π»βπ - Cadet
composer require.. u have to constraint the package
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Let me check.
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Problem 1 - spryker-sdk/spryk 0.2.3 requires symfony/filesystem ^3.4.0 || ^4.0.0 -> satisfiable by symfony/filesystem[3.4.x-dev, 4.0.x-dev, 4.1.x-dev, 4.2.x-dev, 4.3.x-dev, 4.4.x-dev]. - spryker-sdk/spryk 0.2.3 requires symfony/filesystem ^3.4.0 || ^4.0.0 -> satisfiable by symfony/filesystem[3.4.x-dev, 4.0.x-dev, 4.1.x-dev, 4.2.x-dev, 4.3.x-dev, 4.4.x-dev]. - spryker-sdk/spryk 0.2.3 requires symfony/filesystem ^3.4.0 || ^4.0.0 -> satisfiable by symfony/filesystem[3.4.x-dev, 4.0.x-dev, 4.1.x-dev, 4.2.x-dev, 4.3.x-dev, 4.4.x-dev]. - Can only install one of: symfony/filesystem[v5.1.8, 3.4.x-dev]. - Can only install one of: symfony/filesystem[v5.1.8, 4.0.x-dev]. - Can only install one of: symfony/filesystem[v5.1.8, 4.1.x-dev]. - Can only install one of: symfony/filesystem[v5.1.8, 4.2.x-dev]. - Can only install one of: symfony/filesystem[v5.1.8, 4.3.x-dev]. - Can only install one of: symfony/filesystem[v5.1.8, 4.4.x-dev]. - Installation request for symfony/filesystem 5.1.8 -> satisfiable by symfony/filesystem[v5.1.8]. - Installation request for spryker-sdk/spryk (locked at 0.2.3) -> satisfiable by spryker-sdk/spryk[0.2.3].
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Unfortunately I'm blocked. Any ideas?
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giovanni.piemontese Technical Lead @ LΓΆffelhardt Spryker Solution Partner Posts: 871 π§π»βπ - Cadet
U have to update spryker sdk packages
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giovanni.piemontese Technical Lead @ LΓΆffelhardt Spryker Solution Partner Posts: 871 π§π»βπ - Cadet
Or sorry with βupdate dependencies
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I ended up in a situation where I should update
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I cannot do that.
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Then it might be no the same problem as was discussed internally. But it looked very similar:
Command propel-copy-schema [vendor/bin/console propel:schema:copy] (In progress...) Store: DE | Environment: docker Clean schema directory Copy and merge schema files ErrorException - Exception: unlink(/data/src/Orm/Propel/DE/Schema/spy_acl.schema.xmlJglEnD): No such file or directory in /data/vendor/symfony/filesystem/Filesystem.php (670)
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Or you are on the previous major of symfony/filesystem. Could you check please your composer.lock file?
In case you are on v3 or v4, there were also new releases that could cause this problem and you need to roll back to the previous one.0 -
yeah what I did is temporarily hacked ErrorHandlerEnvironment
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the problem is that it does not respect silenced errors
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and still throw exceptions
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so quick and dirty way is to just replace
/** * @return void * @throws \ErrorException */ protected function setErrorHandler(): void { $errorLevel = error_reporting(); $errorHandler = static function ($severity, $message, $file, $line): void { $exception = new ErrorException($message, 0, $severity, $file, $line); $levelsNotThrowingExceptions = Config::get(ErrorHandlerConstants::ERROR_LEVEL_LOG_ONLY, 0); // is exceptions silenced with @ $isSilenced = error_reporting() === 0; $shouldThrowException = ($severity & $levelsNotThrowingExceptions) === 0 && !$isSilenced; if ($shouldThrowException) { throw $exception; } // Only log non-silenced errors if (!$isSilenced) { ErrorLogger::getInstance()->log($exception); } }; set_error_handler($errorHandler, $errorLevel); }
This way the composer or propel command will finish
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For those who had problems withΒ symfony/filesystem, it seems that new versions with fixes were released. So you can update it to 5.2.1 or 4.4.18 or 5.1.10
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giovanni.piemontese Technical Lead @ LΓΆffelhardt Spryker Solution Partner Posts: 871 π§π»βπ - Cadet
Danke Valerii!
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