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Hello Everyone, I have installed the *Spryker B2B & B2C* demo shop(*v_202108.0*) in my local se
Hello Everyone,
I have installed the Spryker B2B & B2C demo shop(v_202108.0) in my local server, and everything working except the backoffice login(attached image). The backoffice login is always redirected to the same page instead backoffice dashboard/configuration page.
user: <mailto:admin@spryker.com|admin@spryker.com>
password: change123
Please share your suggestion(any steps need to be done after installation for the backoffice login) to overcome this issue.
Thanks in advance.
fsmeier Senior Software Engineer & Developer Enablement Advocate Sprykee Posts: 1,087 ⚖️ - Guardians (admin)
Heyhey, what deploy-file have you booted with? Do you have the latest docker-sdk? We have a new url where you put “backoffice” instead of “zed” - this is (as far as i know) the standard url in the latest demoshop
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Judging from the prev. thread, it’s a VM-based installation, right? The deploy-file for booting - is a docker installation
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Could you check the “redirect” target - maybe it’s cased by http vs. https?
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@florian.scholz @UKJSE6T47 Thank you for the response and yes I am using VM-based installation. It means in the browser network(it shows only like HTTP) or needs to check with the Spryker core part? If I am wrong then please correct me.
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fsmeier Senior Software Engineer & Developer Enablement Advocate Sprykee Posts: 1,087 ⚖️ - Guardians (admin)
I would say in the network tap you can not see much - so you open http(s):<//backoffice.de>.b2c-demo-shop.local and insert the credentials and it redirects you to zed.de.b2c-demo-shop.de ?
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@florian.scholz Yes it's working fine now(Unfortunately, I can't see the backoffice URL 'backoffice.de.b2c-demo-shop.local' information in docs). Thanks for your support 🤝 🙂
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