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Hi all, If any can have idea and help on the error like Thank you
Did you run
docker/sdk console propel:install
to generate the DB table and the entity class?0 -
yes i did that
0 -
Can you post you schema.xml file?
0 -
<?xml version="1.0"?>
" name="zed" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="" namespace="Orm\Zed\Antelope\Persistence" package="src.Orm.Zed.Antelope.Persistence"><table name="pyz_antelope" idMethod="native" allowPkInsert="true" phpName="PyzAntelope"> <column name="id_antelope" required="true" type="INTEGER" primaryKey="true" autoIncrement="true"/> <column name="name" required="true" type="VARCHAR" size="255"/> <unique name="pyz_antelope-name"> <unique-column name="name"/> </unique> <id-method-parameter value="pyz_antelope_pk_seq"/> </table>
0 -
And the file is placed in
and ends with.schema.xml
?0 -
path is src\Pyz\Shared\Training\Persistence\Propel\Schema\pyz_antelope.schema.xml
0 -
Shared never have DB schema definitions, only Zed has.
Please move the file tosrc\Pyz\Zed\Training\Persistence\Propel\Schema\pyz_antelope.schema.xml
and executedocker/sdk console propel:install
0 -
it is defined here src\Pyz\Zed\Training\Persistence\Antelope\add.twig
0 -
Where is your
placed and where would you expect it?
files are templates and belong to thePresentation
In your module or any other module from Spryker you will find for each layer a coresponding directory.
Presentation (display something in the backoffice):Zed/<Module>/Presentation/<ControllerName without Controller suffix>/<Action name without Action suffix>.twig
beside that there are Persistence (DB schemas and everything to write/read from the relational database), Communication (Controller, Plugins, Forms) and Business (the actual business code).https://docs.spryker.com/docs/scos/dev/architecture/modules-and-application-layers.html gives a good overview about the layers
0 -
Thank you @UL6DGRULR now its working...
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