What are the Slack Archives?
Itβs a history of our time together in the Slack Community! Thereβs a ton of knowledge in here, so feel free to search through the archives for a possible answer to your question.
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Hello @hier, our documentation team just released the new version of our documentation space that yo

Hello @hier, our documentation team just released the new version of our documentation space that you can find here: https://documentation.spryker.com/ As always, we appreciate your feedback!
We wish you and your families Happy Holidays and a great start in 2020! ππ
nice, but could you please fix formatting?
PHP snippet is not usable this way0 -
Thanks @UK5DS29L2! - will pass your feedback over to the doc team!
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Kudos for the overall UX improvements, though. Nicely done!
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Hello, Jan. Could you please describe what exactly is wrong with the formatting?
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And maybe indent the array by 2 - 4 spaces.
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gives me
This server could not prove that it is [docs.demo-spryker.com](http://docs.demo-spryker.com); its security certificate is from *.[azurewebsites.net](http://azurewebsites.net). This may be caused by a misconfiguration or an attacker intercepting your connection.
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Was linked here: https://documentation.spryker.com/docs/mg-refund
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Thank you for reporting. Should be good now. If persists, let me know
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