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Hi, while opening zed backend, i am getting below expection

Hi, while opening zed backend, i am getting below expection
Seems like you have removed such a locale from stores configuration but your https://github.com/spryker-shop/b2c-demo-shop/blob/master/src/Pyz/Zed/User/UserConfig.php#L25 user requires it.
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you can either add locale to store config or update locale id in users table
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How i can config or update?,
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@valerii.trots I checked UserConfig, LoacleName is present there
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'localeName' => 'en_US',
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It's the user for Zed, that requires en_US locale.
What do you have here https://github.com/spryker-shop/b2c-demo-shop/blob/master/config/Shared/stores.php#L33 or here https://github.com/spryker-shop/b2c-demo-shop/blob/master/config/Shared/stores.php#L85 or similar places in stores.php for your project?
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My project based on US stores only. they created one array like that
'locales' => [ // first entry is default 'en' => 'en_US', ],
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Are you trying to access US zed?
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Seems like most obvious reasons are not the case and only not obvious left, so you will need to debug.
Otherwise we won't be able to help without having the actual code base of the project.But maybe someone else will have any ideas that I'm not aware about.
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Did you check what you have in DB? You need to check locale set to user. For example
SELECT fk_locale from spy_user where username = '<mailto:admin@spryker.com|admin@spryker.com>'
Then check what fk_locale should be by running
SELECT id_locale from spy_locale where locale_name = 'en_US'
If they do not match update the record in spy user, delete the session cookie and login again.
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You can also update the DB in one liner
update spy_user set fk_locale = (SELECT id_locale from spy_locale where locale_name = 'en_US') where spy_user.username = '<mailto:admin@spryker.com|admin@spryker.com>';
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Now i able to open backend
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Thank you @UKHD8KTMF @valerii.trots ☺
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There is a problem with the generated folder.
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