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π there are Abstract Plugins for the `Client`, `Service`, `Glue`, `Yves` and `Zed\Kernel\Commu

π there are Abstract Plugins for the Client
, Service
, Glue
, Yves
and Zed\Kernel\Communication
. Is there an extension point for Zed\Business
the plugins in the communication layer should access the business logic through the facade
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so, there should be no plugin in the business layer
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but maybe i donβt get the question
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so I guess my question is what if the plugins do not concern the communication layer?
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or is it implicit that anything that "communicates" with the module should be there?
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can you elaborate on your scenario?
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I'm creating a "debug" module, which will collect information about some stuff (entities) and render reports.
the reports are plugins
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then the above β
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communication/plugin -> business/facade
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and if you wanted to bundle a bunch of "plugins" in a module which were for other modules?
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would there be a precedent for that? (don't necessarily want to create a dozen bridge modules)
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if that makes sense
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donβt really get your idea then
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sounds like a white-board-moment
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so we create a module: https://github.com/inviqa/spryker-debug
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and would like to have (as a new feature) "report" plugins for various entities from various other spryker modules
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so one "clean" way would be to have a "bridge" for each plugin, but reluctant to add that degree of complication
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(might make more sense in a whole new package then probably)
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Hey Dan, for plugins you donβt need bridge, you can define plugin interface in separate module, e.g. SprykerDebugExtension
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So other spryker modules will require this module and implements your interface
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hey, I'm talking about implementations here
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e.g. we want a report plugins for products, availability, URLs, etc
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so technically I guess each would need a bridge module ?
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we would call it connector module, but that sounds about right
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but i would actually still prefer to discuss that in person, to better understand the plan
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sure can do
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(note that it's an open source thing I'm doing between projects)
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