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Hello everyone, I recently stumbled over the fact that the net_price in the spy_sales_order_item is

Hello everyone,
I recently stumbled over the fact that the net_price in the spy_sales_order_item is 0 for every entry. I tried to follow the code and it seems that the net price is set to 0 in Spryker\Zed\PriceCartConnector\Business\Manager\PriceManager::setOriginUnitGrossPrice()
because of the GROSS_MODE and there doesn't seem to be a CalculationPlugin or something like that to recalculate the net price.
I have two questions regarding this:
1. What is the reason to set the net price hard coded to 0 when using the GROSS_MODE?
2. Now, to fix this, I thought about implementing a plugin that calculates the net price when GROSS_MODE is used, to have the correct value in the database, respectively. Is there maybe already a core solution to this problem that I've just missed?
Not fully answering the question (sorry in advance) but I think the behaviour is similar chosing the other way (NET_MODE), leading to empty gross prices. The datastructure is prepared to cover both, the data contained in the data is only actively maintained/calculated/stored for one. Itโs a bit irritatingโฆ
I am not aware of a core plugin/feature keeping both prices in sync or similar
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Thanks. That does actually help. ๐
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cool ๐
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thatโs right, you canโt have both price types at the same time, since calculation needs to be done differently (https://documentation.spryker.com/docs/net-gross-prices-management)
Price mode, however, is defined on quote level, which means you can have carts in different modes.
Usually on the project you need to find out in which โmodeโ you are working0 -
From the calculator stack, I can see a NetTotalCalculatorPlugin that is added after the GrandTotal and calculates the total Net price as โgrandTotal - taxTotalโ
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if you still need to calculate both prices for your project, I would add missing calculators or remove the ones that you find irrelevant for you
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Great, thanks again. I was just wondering why the net price is always 0 in the database. It felt a bit strange to always calculate the net price (gross - tax) whenever the net price is required. But if that is intended I have a good basis for discussion and we can decide how we want to do it in the future.
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