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Hi, after recent `spryker/product-management` update we see weird effect. ZED product index page sho

Hi, after recent spryker/product-management
update we see weird effect. ZED product index page shows multiple copies of the same product (the number of copies is the same as the number of the locales in the shop). It is due to this change:
The output $sql: https://pastebin.com/bCKk5csh
Since it is grouping by "locale_fallback"."name" and it is different for each locale - it returns the same product for each locale.
Hi Vytautas, thank you for reporting issues here but this community slack isn't aimed to be used like issues tracker. Please use <mailto:support@spryker.com|support@spryker.com> or support.spryker.com.
But anyway, this one is known and the internal ticket is in the queue.0 -
cool, for now I will lock to v0.19.16 until this is fixed
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