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Hi All, I am trying to add an attachment file in mail i have set a MailAttachmectTransfer in MailTra

Hi All,
I am trying to add an attachment file in mail i have set a MailAttachmectTransfer in MailTransfer with all require details like attachmentUrl and all but its not adding the attachments into my emails any solution on this ?
Make sure that your MailAttachmentTransfer has:
->setFileName($fileName) ->setAttachmentUrl($absolutePathWithFileName) ->setDisplayName($displayName);
FileName should be the filename + extension only, without path (e.g. "this_file.rtf").
AttachmentUrl should be fully qualified, so absolute path to file with filename and extension, all together (e.g. "/usr/johndoe/documents/this_file.rtf").
DisplayName can be anything you want to have displayed for it.For me, this has worked.
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I have configured the same, see.
$attachment->setFileName('1-v.1.pdf'); $attachment->setDisplayName('Sample File'); $attachment->setAttachmentUrl('/data/data/DE/media/files/1-v.1.pdf');
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Do you really have "data" twice in the path? And is this really the absolute path, from the root (and not just the project's root)?
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i want to add this file for that this path should work i guess
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Well, that's just one
. So/data/DE/media/files/1-v.1.pdf
, maybe. But you'll need the path from/
- and this on your screenshot doesn't look like the contents of/
.0 -
I have tried with just one data also but didn't work. attached full screenshot maybe helpful, and also when i am exporting files /data/data/export/... this path is working for that.
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Maybe try attaching that long path string that's next to
on this screenshot in front of/data
...? But if that won't work either than no further ideas on my part at the moment, I'm afraid.0 -
Ok, Thanks for the help.
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