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Hey, does anybody know an easy/best way to check from the Service layer if the context is from ZED o

Hey, does anybody know an easy/best way to check from the Service layer if the context is from ZED or YVES?
The only way I find is by using the APPLICATION
global variable (which is defined in index.php
why do you want to do that?
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good question. I am facing a really interesting use case related with the user-agent of the browser.
Some context: we have a common Service namedPaymentMethodQualifier
which is verifying different payment method qualifiers and one of them is to disable a particular payment method for concretes user agent (yes, we have some edge case problem with some user agents).
The thing here is we decided to enable thisUserAgentQualifier
only when the application is YVES, and not ZED, because this common servicePaymentMethodQualifier
can be called from any of them.
Yes, this is "a bit" hacky, but let's call it: "proof of concept".0 -
A service is a generic common piece of code that is layer independent and takes all it needs from the function input. What it sounds like to me is that you want your code in Shared layer as abstract classes that are extended on both Yves and Zed (or duplicated)
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Yes, you are right, there is a room for improvement there. I wanted to double-check with you. Thanks a lot! π
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