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Hello, a question: why the Product List Merchant Relationship relation is provided via `f

a question: why the Product List <-> Merchant Relationship relation is provided via fk_merchant_relationship
direct in spy_product_list
table instead with a dedicated n2n relations table?
We have i.e. ca. 50.000 Companies and ca. 20 Blacklist Product List.. The product list i.e. A is the same for Company 1 and Company 2. With this relation i have to create 2 different product lists exactly the same.
With a relations table it will be enough to create the same product list one time and just relate to merchant-relationship.
Has anyone the same problem or just find another solution about it or i have necessarily create a single product list for every merchant relationship?
(naturally implicit is that the product lists are the same for all).
Is it your topic @UT9PVABFB and @UKBTMFXMJ?
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As I know that it was fixed by @UP5GJTY58 and the b2b team (but fk_merchant_relationship wasn't removed for BC)
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@UKBTMFXMJ it means that exists another relation table for the relations? If yes, in which version of merchantRelationship bundle?
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I see only this relation in the last version of merchant-relationship-product-list bundle -> https://github.com/spryker/merchant-relationship-product-list/blob/1.3.0/src/Spryker/Zed/MerchantRelationshipProductList/Persistence/Propel/Schema/spy_product_list.schema.xml
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but let me ask more details
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ok, thanks @UKBTMFXMJ
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update: fk_merchant_relationship is optional from the latest changes, but the structure is the same, no n2n table. So your question is still valid.
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yes.. so i ve seen too..
Is there smth planned about it or not? Because the actual relation is very bad for great b2b customer as us..
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Fixing this it’s not in the short term roadmap, increasing b2b performance will be a big topic and we are working to clarify a scope for it. As far as I can see you need the solution right away so I could say that, for now, it should be done on the project level, but if you will add this issue to our IDEA portal https://spryker.ideas.aha.io/ideas - it will help a lot to push this topic into the scoping session faster0 -
Hi @UT9PVABFB thank u.. I will evaluate this extension for us on pyz level..
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