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Hey, I have a code design question. As per this article

Hey, I have a code design question. As per this article
Bridges are for core-level only. If you use them at the project-level, you are doing it wrong!
Is this a general rule, that should be respected in any case? We use them at project-level and it really helps in some situations.
the idea behind bridges in core is to remove direct dependencies of modules on each other. AFAIK projects does not have this issue so there is no practical use of bridge modules there
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what's yours approach though?
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We use bridges to decouple modules in project-level the same way as on core-level.
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so you got a multi-repo project?
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No, only one
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then it sounds like an overhead to me. What do you achieve with such decoupling within same codebase?
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The same as with vendors: Modules can be removed or changed with a minimum of pain regarding depending modules.
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so you create bridge module for each custom module you add into project?
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No, only for modules, that need functionalities of another module. So basically we end up with only a few bridges in the end.
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So as I understand it is deemed unnecessary overhead, however not a design fail?
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for your own code there are no strict restrictions, you can have as much abstractions as needed. The article suggests direct usage of facade methods when core functionality is overridden
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Thanks. Any Spryker dev who is willing to comment on this? π
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Ievgen is one of us π
Having βBridgesβ on project level and enjoying them - is a sign of over-engineering. Same as introducing interfaces for every class. How often on your project (really) are you expecting to change Products/categories/put_your_module_here with something else?0 -
in Spryker core the goal is to keep everything decoupled and flexible because we have hundreds of different customers with their unexpected needs, but on a single concrete project the goal is usually the opposite - you take what you need and couple it together.
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On practice, you need to evaluate the following: extra-complexity which is coming with Bridges and additional abstraction layers - hits code readability, debugability and clearness. Which means more error-prone code with more time spent once you need to change it. As an advantage, you can replace one implementation of a module (in theory) with another one..
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my experience and practice show me, that the best approach is to keep it simple and as much readable as possible continuously refactoring the code once needed vs. introducing extra layers of abstractions.
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Similar question. What about the -connector modules which we can find in spryker vendor? Should we use same structure in our codebase or is it an overhead also?
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@U0134CBTUKS similar to the bridges, you donβt need to introduce connectors on the project
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