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Hello everyone ๐ค, Is there an ETA for when PostgreSQL Version 13 and 14 will be compatibl

Hello everyone ๐ค,
Is there an ETA for when PostgreSQL Version 13 and 14 will be compatible?
Version 13 is now out on 2020-09-24 and 14 in late September 2021.
That's a good question. As per this link mariaDB is now sprykers default database. Now, they say that other engines will "continue to be compatible" but this begs the question if that means just the currently working versions or if they will make newer ones compatible too. Worst come to worst you'd have to either make the switch or try to update on your own.
We are currently in a big update ourselves, and more experienced devs than me have taken on the task of doing a postgres -> mariaDB migration / change. I have no idea how hard this will actually be in the end.
I made a reminder and I will add to this post in a couple of weeks / months how the migration went.
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giovanni.piemontese Technical Lead @ Lรถffelhardt Spryker Solution Partner Posts: 871 ๐ง๐ปโ๐ - Cadet
It was already in the air for a few years that MariaDb would become the standard db engine and in this latest release it has become it for good.
In our case it will not be possible to migrate from PostgreSQL to MariaDb for several reasons.
I sincerely hope that they will continue the compatibility support for PostgreSQL otherwise it won't make sense to support it anymore.
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PostgreSQL is in our CI, toghether with MariaDB
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giovanni.piemontese Technical Lead @ Lรถffelhardt Spryker Solution Partner Posts: 871 ๐ง๐ปโ๐ - Cadet
Ok, sure, i've seen. But why since more than one year there is no new compatible version? Is there a reason or just missing time to check the compatible status?
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new compatible version
of Postgres?
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giovanni.piemontese Technical Lead @ Lรถffelhardt Spryker Solution Partner Posts: 871 ๐ง๐ปโ๐ - Cadet
yes.. the last compatible according Spryker is 12.. but there is already the 13 and 14...
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Hi @UL65CH0MC: we are planning to upgrade to postgres 14 soon. Do you have any experience on using it meanwhile?
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giovanni.piemontese Technical Lead @ Lรถffelhardt Spryker Solution Partner Posts: 871 ๐ง๐ปโ๐ - Cadet
Hi @UKTSRTD5M, unfortunately no.. we are still on psql 12.. did n get time to test with 14.. it might be interesting to see if spryker runs smoothly or not..
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Thanks for your fast response @UL65CH0MC. We are trying to upgrade our dev system soon. I keep you informed if we encounter any problems.
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Hi @UL65CH0MC: we did upgrade our development system (and the docker sdk) to postgres 14 and so far we have good results. Spryker seems to work well, at least we did not have any problems so far.
On the other hand there have been some problems upgrading the db-servers without downtime. The replication had some issues for the intermediate time (where one server is running 12 and the other is running 14). So it seems we are going to need some downtime for the upgrade. But at least for us this is a minor problem when known beforehand.
I'll keep you updated.
@UKBTMFXMJ Do you plan on adding PostgreSQL 14 to the docker sdk and your ci pipelines? That would give us a little more confidence going forward.0 -
giovanni.piemontese Technical Lead @ Lรถffelhardt Spryker Solution Partner Posts: 871 ๐ง๐ปโ๐ - Cadet
Hallo @UKTSRTD5M thank u very much for sharing your experience with psql14.
Did u see any performance optimization while using v14? because v14 has a massive index performance than 13 and 12.0 -
I'm not sure if I'm able to answer this question.
Yes, we did see some improvements. Your most db-intensive task is the nightly import of all product data, followed by some exports (e.g. for our native apps). This process is about 2 hours and did speed up by 7/8 minutes. So ~5% - and as I understand the bottleneck here should be the db.
On the other hand we did a couple of steps together: Update php to 8.1 (from 7.4) and introduce the Zed - backoffice - split. This did also lead to some performance gains in this ballpark on calls which do not use the db at all (pdp for example).
We do not have dedicated performance measurements of the db itself, neither directly nor via spryker. We do have some sanity-queries from our monitoring though - these also measure query execution times. Here it seems that we did improve slightly. Optically from the example-graph below from ~74ms to ~72ms... (we updaten on 09.11.)
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