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Hi @UKBTMFXMJ, since we just ran into it during the Developer Foundations Training with Marco and

since we just ran into it during the Developer Foundations Training with Marco and Dmitry, it would be really nice if there was a Kopf Container for the Elastic in order to analyze and debug (https://github.com/lmenezes/elasticsearch-kopf).
Also, the .local domains can be a little problematic in some setups, as well as editing the */etc/hosts file for each project. Maybe it might be a good idea to look at Dinghy Proxy since it works with Mac. Linux and Windows, and spares some of those problems (https://github.com/codekitchen/dinghy-http-proxy) including the Cert setup per dev domains.
sorry, am I correct Stanislav for this quesion?
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I would say that this idea\request is more for @UPZH5HHEV.
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Honestly I dont know either, since your profile states Techlead @ spryker i figured I give it a shot to be honest π
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can anyone of you direct this to someone in charge, it might help a few people working with spryker .. at least to my mind
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I've mentioned appropriate person already.
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Thanks @valerii.trots! π
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if there are any questions regarding the proposals feel free to contact me
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It is in backlog. However it has low priority due to cross-platform complexity and interfering with the host system.
The only good driver is Dynamic Store feature that is in progress right now. Once it is done, docker/sdk will be forced to support some wildcard solutions for DNS.
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The best solution would be using
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