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Hello Team, I have setup b2c demo shop using docker in my machine. I did some changes in config and

Hello Team, I have setup b2c demo shop using docker in my machine. I did some changes in config and Zed code and need to run docker/sdk up to make the changes reflect in my local machine. Is there any console commands or plugins to compile the code?
What deploy file have you used for initial bootstrap? Deploy.dev.yml or something else?
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Are your changes php or js then?
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config changes as well
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But then you don't need to do anything usually as changes are being synced into running containers on the fly.
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if I do config changes it is not immediately reflecting
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I need to do sdk up
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There is a problem with your local setup then.
Is it macos?0 -
its windows
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actually I am using spryker react API package to connect my local spryker (glue API)
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yes wsl2
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if I do config changes to allow CORS in config file it is not reflecting in spryker react, its working/reflecting after sdk up
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Can't imagine the situation when code changes are not immediately reflected in running containers if deploy.dev.yml was used initially.
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will re-install and give it a try then
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fsmeier Senior Software Engineer & Developer Enablement Advocate Sprykee Posts: 1,096 ⚖️ - Guardians (admin)
for win wsl2 setup i noticed several times now that it just stopped synching and you needed to to docker/sdk up again^^i dont know why. but maybe the same here
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Linux for the win!
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Try to patch https://github.com/spryker/docker-sdk/blob/master/bin/platform.sh#L5 to use
grep -c -v -i Microsoft
.If you run WSL2 you want to use the native linux docker filesystem driver, that's enabled by this line.
But for some reason the newer (~1 year) WSL2 images, at least the Ubuntu ones, do return an identifier withmicrosoft
inside, which does not match due to the missing case insensitive matcher.I thought this bug was already known and fixed, but does not seem like it is.
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Thanks all. It works fine after re-install.. Installed latest docker desktop Docker Desktop 4.9.0 and setup sprykr using deploy.dev.yml .. sync works fine now
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