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Hey :spryker:-folks, I'm trying to increase the number of filter values in the facet dropdown-filter

s.kroll Head of Technology Spryker @ basecom Posts: 120 πŸͺ - Explorer

Hey :spryker:-folks,
I'm trying to increase the number of filter values in the facet dropdown-filters on a default yves category-page. I have for example products with more then 10 different values for some of the attributes, but I always get a maximum of 10 different values per attribute.

I already debugged the situation and know, that the 10 values come directly from ElasticSearch (limit of 10 is applied there) but I'm not sure how to tell it to increase the value. I would have expected taht I can override it in an e.g. SearchConfigExtensionPlugin. But until I had no success so far


  • s.kroll
    s.kroll Head of Technology Spryker @ basecom Posts: 120 πŸͺ - Explorer
    edited January 2022

    I'm achieving this via overriding Spryker\Client\ProductSearchConfigStorage\Plugin\Config\ProductSearchConfigExpanderPlugin now, but it still feels not right... πŸ€”

  • U01LKKBK97T
    U01LKKBK97T Posts: 287 πŸ§‘πŸ»β€πŸš€ - Cadet

    You can override e. g. Spryker\Client\SearchElasticsearch\Aggregation\StringFacetAggregation.

     * @param string $fieldName
     * @param string $nestedFieldName
     * @return \Elastica\Aggregation\AbstractAggregation
    protected function createValueAgg(string $fieldName, string $nestedFieldName): AbstractAggregation
        $aggregation = parent::createValueAgg($fieldName, $nestedFieldName);
        if ($aggregation instanceof Terms) {
        return $aggregation;

    The size of 50 can be read from the module's config, once you got it working.

  • s.kroll
    s.kroll Head of Technology Spryker @ basecom Posts: 120 πŸͺ - Explorer

    Looks like there are many working approaches πŸ˜„ Thank you for the hint. Looks a bit more "right" than my previous approach...