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*Tech-question regarding the role of the QueryContainer in Spryker* Having a `Repository` and an `E

Tech-question regarding the role of the QueryContainer in Spryker
Having a Repository
and an EntityManager
, does it makes sense to use the QueryContainer
in my Business Layer?
I mean, we could agree that the Repository
is used to get/find information, and that the EntityManager
is used to manipulate information from your Business Layer (always using their interfaces). But where is the room to play for the QueryContainer
in the Business Layer? Is there actually any room for it?
I am just curiousβ¦ I think there is no π§
I understand the QueryContainer
as a place to have some queries which are going to be used by any other Persistence Layer logic, but not in the Business Layer. Or am I missing something here? I would like to confirm all these ideas π‘
At the beginning we had no repositories and entity managers. Query container is a relic from those times. It still exists but has no place in new modules.
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Nice π Then, it doesnβt makes sense to use it in our Pyz modules. I mean, if we can choose if we want to create a QueryContainer or a Repository, we should simply use Repository (or an EntityManager) instead, right?
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QueryContainer is a completely deprecated concept, it had conceptual problems of leaking database implementations outside of modules, you can use them in project if they exist, you can also create them in your modules on Pyz if you want, but that is extremely not recommended (I feel like thereβs a better expression here) because of leaking concepts and domain encapsulation
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This is exactly what I was thinking ππΌ Now I got official-support for this argument. Thanks
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There was one good thing about the query containers, though: They allowed for easy extension of queries on project level. Now with repositories the query and mapping parts are baked together in most cases making it hard to extend in any project situation (e.g. filter for an additional field). If the repositories would make use of the query containers we could actually have that extensibility. They would just need to get restricted to not leak outside the persistence layer.
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good point Thomas - I do like queries in one place so that you do not repeat them all over if not necessary.
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