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Hello all! I am trying to run codecept in my local environment for my own test units, and I get thes

Hello all! I am trying to run codecept in my local environment for my own test units, and I get these errors:
In ConnectionFactory.php line 42:
Unable to open connection
In PdoAdapter.php line 72:
Unable to open PDO connection
In PdoConnection.php line 64:
SQLSTATE[08006] [7] could not connect to server: Connection refused
Is the server running on host "" and accepting
TCP/IP connections on port 5432?
But I am not accessing DB, and my DB is MySQL (not using that port).
That happens when I run:docker/sdk testing codecept run -c tests/PyzTest/Zed/MyModule/codeception.yml
I just switched yesterday to plain PHPUnit-Tests for real Unit-Tests (some call them also Micro-Tests). We store them in a different folder and we also have a separate step in our CI pipeline to start them. We still have the Codeception tests, but use them only for integration and API tests.
0 -
Try to add
to your codeception.yml.0 -
check Testify/_support/Helper/Environment.php APPLICATION_ENV
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