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Hi, Can anyone please suggest what might be the reason to receive below error.

Hi, Can anyone please suggest what might be the reason to receive below error.
could you show us the code around the reported line of failure?
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which PHP version are you using?
And can you share the code snipped form this error instead of the screenshot?0 -
Why did you create a Pyz business class that is called βTransferβ? Transfer objects do not have an extension mechanism, you factory is extending a Sprkyer factory that has a PHP typehint there. Those interfaces between your extended factory and the base Spryker factory do not match
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You can just use the Generated\DataImportConfigurationTransfer in your function and it will all be fine
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/** * @return \Spryker\Zed\DataImport\Business\Model\DataImporterInterface|\Spryker\Zed\DataImport\Business\Model\DataSet\DataSetStepBrokerAwareInterface */ protected function createDealerPortalCustomerImporter(DataImportConfigurationActionTransfer $dataImportConfigurationActionTransfer) { $dataImporter = $this->getCsvDataImporterFromConfig( $this->getConfig()->buildImporterConfigurationByDataImportConfigAction($dataImportConfigurationActionTransfer) ); $dataSetStepBroker = $this->createTransactionAwareDataSetStepBroker(); $dataSetStepBroker ->addStep(new DealerPortalCustomerWriterStep()); $dataImporter->addDataSetStepBroker($dataSetStepBroker); return $dataImporter; } /** * @param \Generated\Shared\Transfer\DataImportConfigurationActionTransfer $dataImportConfigurationActionTransfer * * @return \Spryker\Zed\DataImport\Business\Model\DataImporterInterface|null */ public function getDataImporterByType(DataImportConfigurationActionTransfer $dataImportConfigurationActionTransfer): ?DataImporterInterface { switch ($dataImportConfigurationActionTransfer->getDataEntity()) { case DataImportConfig::IMPORT_TYPE_DPC; return $this->createDealerPortalCustomerImporter($dataImportConfigurationActionTransfer); default: return null; } }
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You didn't import/use the transfer class
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Itβs a PHP exception that is not relevant to the code really, itβs as I said, the function signature problem
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The transfer class is not on the
block, that's why php is assuming it is on the same namespace as the factory0 -
have added use Generated\Shared\Transfer\DataImportConfigurationActionTransfer; to DataImportBusinessFactory.php
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still same error
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technically it should not be possible that the error is the same after the import was added
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letβs dive into this.
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can you show us where
is called?0 -
can you also copy paste the error as plain text here?
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createDealerPortalCustomerImporter() is called on the top in DataImportBusinessFactory class
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Here is the error: Fatal error: Declaration of Pyz\Zed\DataImport\Business\DataImportBusinessFactory::getDataImporterByType(Generated\Shared\Transfer\DataImportConfigurationActionTransfer $dataImportConfigurationActionTransfer): ?Pyz\Zed\DataImport\Business\DataImporterInterface must be compatible with Spryker\Zed\DataImport\Business\DataImportBusinessFactory::getDataImporterByType(Generated\Shared\Transfer\DataImportConfigurationActionTransfer $dataImportConfigurationActionTransfer): ?Spryker\Zed\DataImport\Business\Model\DataImporterInterface in /data/src/Pyz/Zed/DataImport/Business/DataImportBusinessFactory.php on line 82
ErrorException - Exception: FATAL ERROR - Declaration of Pyz\Zed\DataImport\Business\DataImportBusinessFactory::getDataImporterByType(Generated\Shared\Transfer\DataImportConfigurationActionTransfer $dataImportConfigurationActionTransfer): ?Pyz\Zed\DataImport\Business\DataImporterInterface must be compatible with Spryker\Zed\DataImport\Business\DataImportBusinessFactory::getDataImporterByType(Generated\Shared\Transfer\DataImportConfigurationActionTransfer $dataImportConfigurationActionTransfer): ?Spryker\Zed\DataImport\Business\Model\DataImporterInterface
in /data/src/Pyz/Zed/DataImport/Business/DataImportBusinessFactory.php (82)Command: /data/vendor/bin/console data:import:dealer-portal-customer
0 /data/vendor/spryker/error-handler/src/Spryker/Shared/ErrorHandler/ErrorHandlerEnvironment.php(99): Spryker\Shared\ErrorHandler\ErrorHandler->handleFatal()
1 [internal function]: Spryker\Shared\ErrorHandler\ErrorHandlerEnvironment->Spryker\Shared\ErrorHandler{closure}()
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are you using PHP 7.2 or 7.4?
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it seems you are also missing the import of the
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I imported this too
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Now showing data importer not found
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is your
?0 -
Have imported Spryker\Zed\DataImport\Business\Model\DataImporterInterface in DataImportBusinessFactory
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@UJN2JRU4F any inputs?
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