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hi, I new to spryker...I have followed installation process of demo b2b in windows platform. I am su

hi, I new to spryker...I have followed installation process of demo b2b in windows platform. I am successfully able to run backend of demo shop but not able to load frontend it show " Site can't be reached". Can anyone help me with this?
do you have all the containers running (if you are using docker)?
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Is it vagrant or docker?
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did you update the hosts file?
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I am using vagrant
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I am following these docs
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yes I have updated host file
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Check what URL you are trying to access and if it's present both in
inside vagrant and%windir%\system32\drivers\etc\hosts
files.0 -
ok checking
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I am unable to access this URL http://de.b2b-demo-shop.local/
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This URl is not detecting
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Please try with www.
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Seems like links have to be fixed in the installation guide.
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I am getting this when I typed www
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any suggestions for this
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this link is accesible I can see admin panel
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This is something else.
Please logout from SSH session from vagrant if there was one, "vagrant halt", "vagrant up", check if you have anything in Jenkins - zed.de.b2b-demo-shop.local:10007 (or 15672, not at the top of my head). If it's empty, there are no jobs running, make "vagrant ssh" and from there "APPLICATION_STORE=US console scheduler:setup" and the same for AT and DE stores.
Then wait a bit and check Frontoffice once again.0 -
ok trying
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