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It’s a history of our time together in the Slack Community! There’s a ton of knowledge in here, so feel free to search through the archives for a possible answer to your question.
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I'm wondering why there's no channel for sharing freelance dev availabilities. Is it something that
I'm wondering why there's no channel for sharing freelance dev availabilities. Is it something that this community definitely doesn't want or is it just because there hasn't been a demand yet?
Me, I'm getting flooded with project offers and I'd be happy to connect with other freelancers.
There was a channel archived by @guido.jansen, so I'm not sure about that.
As this is a community's slack, I would expect you can create one and announce here. But it's IMO.0 -
Yeah, I archived it because it had 0 posts, not because I didn't want to support this. I actually had an internal discussion if we can create something like a job platform or collaborate with one of the existing freelance job platforms out there to create a central place for this. What do you think @U01LKKBK97T? What would you look for in something like this?
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I'm missing a place to look for freelance Spryker devs, get in touch with them and recommend them, if available. Could be something simple like a public slack channel where anyone can post freelance job offers. People can get in touch via DM then.
Not going to make money out of this, I'm a dev, not a head hunter. Just want to get to know more Devs and support my clients with staffing up.I'll leave it up to you, if it will be a slack channel, a job platform, or even both. Happy enough to read that you're open to suggestions, I'll be fine with whatever it will be.
When it comes to job platforms, I like https://uplink.tech/. They're doing the same thing, sharing job offers via slack with ~2.200 freelance members, mainly (but not only) German-speaking. There are lots of php jobs, but Spryker is pretty much uncovered.0
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