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I'd like to have multiple B2C shops I can use to experiment. Is there a way to separate the volumes

I'd like to have multiple B2C shops I can use to experiment. Is there a way to separate the volumes so I don't over-write the data?
Yes, please use different
in deploy files.0 -
Forgot to add that it's impossible to have multiple shops running simultaneously.
But with different namespaces they won't interfere from images\volumes perspective.0 -
Thats what I wanted to know, super! Thank you!
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It' also possible to have multiple shops running on top of the same docker engine. Just remove the gateways exposed ports, set each shop's domain name to sth like '.shop-1.localhost', '.shop-2.localhost' and so on and then put an ingress nginx in front of all your gateways.
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Where would you set the domain name for each shop, just in the configuration?
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the setup is like this:
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nginx ingress ('proxy' in the chart) is like (just for the domain name 'b2c.localhost'):
upstream b2c { server b2c_gateway_1:80; } server { listen 80; listen [::]:80; server_name *.b2c.localhost; location / { proxy_pass <http://b2c>; proxy_set_header Host $host; } } server { listen 80; listen [::]:80; server_name b2c.localhost; location / { proxy_pass <http://b2c>; proxy_set_header Host $host; } }
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Nice! I'll give it a go. Thats pretty good work Stephan
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