What are the Slack Archives?
It’s a history of our time together in the Slack Community! There’s a ton of knowledge in here, so feel free to search through the archives for a possible answer to your question.
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Just found out that last month Spryker released a new version. I'm suprised, because I found no anno
Just found out that last month Spryker released a new version. I'm suprised, because I found no announcement about that. Not in Slack, not on the partner portal in the section "Keep up to date" or somewhere else. There are only the release notes in the documentation and the composer.json in the demo project to find out, that there is a new version.
Is this by purpose that new versions are not publicly announced? What's the proposed way to keep up-to-date with new versions?
Short answer - it is to be announced yet.
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Longer answer:
we always release > finalize demo shops > finish documentation & release note > marketing announce as well. we are finalizing demo shops by the end of the week with a release patch for the barcode blocker and finish documentation this week. also, marketing kept quiet due to excite
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Thanks for the clarification
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@valerii.trots Is it a known issue that Phpstan returns a lot errors with current b2b-demo-shop version?
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See master suite prs on how to fix it. A patch diff should be easy to apply
You can also just silence them if you like0
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