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After a recent composer update I noticed an undefined Constant (`CategoryEvents::ENTITY_CATEGORY_PUB

After a recent composer update I noticed an undefined Constant (CategoryEvents::ENTITY_CATEGORY_PUBLISH
) which was referenced in spryker/product-page-search@3.22.0 (github-link). This constant is defined in spryker/catalog@5.0.0 (github). Problem for me seems to be, that spryker/product-page-search@3.22.0 does not neccessarily requires spryker/catalog@5.0.0 (composer file says "spryker/category": "^4.3.0 || ^5.0.0",
Am I missing something or is this "not properly wired up"? π Are there other (slack-)channels were things like this should/could be reported?
I believe @U0140NZMDTN could know the answer.
In general, it's either you are asking the community here or preferably in , or you ask Spryker directly through support.spryker.com.0 -
@UM0EZB9GT unfortunately itβs issue that we will fix in near patch for
module. Thx for reporting π0 -
Thanks for the quick response. I'm happy that it wasn't just me π
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FYI: already released - https://github.com/spryker/product-page-search/releases/tag/3.22.1
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But... I've posted the link above already.
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That. Was. Fast. Thankyou π
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But β One more note: Only one of the files which depend on the external Constant (from CategroyEvents) was fixed. There is still one usage left which breaks BC π https://github.com/spryker/product-page-search/blob/c58a0456c1d103b6be995e3b4fc1b0[β¦]on/Plugin/Event/Subscriber/ProductPageSearchEventSubscriber.php
0 -
holy moly, one more patch expected soon π
Thx0 -
Just saw the new version 3.22.2 and this works β
0 -
btw thanks for reporting, itβs hard to catch such constant usages (api methods we can catch by bridge validations, other usages - we canβt).
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