What are the Slack Archives?
It’s a history of our time together in the Slack Community! There’s a ton of knowledge in here, so feel free to search through the archives for a possible answer to your question.
Because this space is not active, you won’t be able to create a new post or comment here. If you have a question or want to start a discussion about something, head over to our categories and pick one to post in! You can always refer back to a post from Slack Archives if needed; just copy the link to use it as a reference..
/poll “We’ve heard from some of you, that the name of the channel is

/poll “We’ve heard from some of you, that the name of the channel is confusing as this channel is for technical support from the community. We would like to suggest to change the channel’s name to #community-help?” “Yes” “No” “Other suggestion in the thread”
IMO #community-support or #help is fine, just expect it to also have non-technical questions there, which may cause other people to not watch channel being spammed with non-programming questions and miss some of the questions they could help with. OR IDK, maybe have community moderators here that will remove technical questions and direct the asker straight to support.spryker.com instead. Leaving Slack channel for non-code, non-infrastructure questions and leaving slack for chit-chat.
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...on the other hand, this is
and not some[sprykerofficialsupportchannel.slack.com](http://sprykerofficialsupportchannel.slack.com)
, so there is no space for confusion about community being involved...0 -
Otherwise, with #community-help one could expect any help related to health, wellness, events, other random stuff...
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A few members of this community told us about their expectation that should be an official channel, while we (Spryker) would like to give the community the opportunity to help each other out. That's why we're asking the community to decide about renaming the channel to make it more clear.
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Please see the good discussion thread about it, opened by Jan, here: https://sprykercommunity.slack.com/archives/CH26JKFNG/p1567580864003500
- All Categories
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