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*User Roles* What are the best practices for setting up user roles in Spryker? It's unclear to me if

User Roles
What are the best practices for setting up user roles in Spryker? It's unclear to me if permissions are additive or subtractive and what the best practice is here. In many of the examples in the training, Rule 1 was allowing access to everything, then restricting access to other modules. Should I start with allowing access to everything and restricting modules from there? I took the Back Office training and looked at the documentation... haven't seen any advice on this.
permissions are additive
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The paid training examples are also restrictive, starting with allowing permissions to everything.
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Is there a posibility to create a Zed user with only Read permissions?
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Possible yes, but not easily done. Unless that has changed you are giving access to controller actions so the question is what is a read only access. You would need to define a role, modify the ZED so that it displays UI as read only and remove actions/buttons. Then you would need to check identity and permissions on each action. You might also want to be even more fine grained and allow editing/viewing of some fields but not the others. All this is custom project level work.
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Thanks, I imagined that would be the answer, "project level" solution. Thanks for the help.
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