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hi all, I am having an issue with debugging Zed requests coming through Yves->Client So debugge
hi all,
I am having an issue with debugging Zed requests coming through Yves->Client
So debugger starts and I can debug what ever is on Yves side. but it is not starting debug session for Zed!
Anyone else having the same issue? how did you fix it?
Thanks a lot
hi, I believe you just need additional breakpoint in zed, since yves makes internal curl request to zed it is not trackable with the same debugging session. of course you need to allow multiple debug requests to your debugger
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if that's not the case, unfortunetly not sure what then, everything worked out of the box for me
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of course I have another breakpoint π
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thank you though π
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Breakpoint in Zed and more then one simultanous connection in PHPStorm:
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(Settings -> PHP -> Debug)
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Maybe your client call doesn't reach gateway controller at all?
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the request does reach the gateway controller
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it is a perfectly working functionality that.I am trying to debug
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@UL6DGRULR I have 20 sim. connections π
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hmm, if it's perfectly working it means the request does reach the gateway controller
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Did you already try to enable "Break at first line in PHP scripts" in PhpStorm?
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no luck
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Is Xdebug working as expected if you open the zed admin-panel/backoffice? Or does it only not work for requests via the gateway?
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when I debug backoffice it works
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it only does not work for nested requests
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