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Hello, i have a question about the sku map in redis. Why is this subscriber \Spryker\Zed\ProductReso

Hello, i have a question about the sku map in redis. Why is this subscriber
not added to the collection in the event dependency provider in the demo shop? The map is still in redis. Thanks for help
Hello Christoph!
ProductResourceAliasStorage package is not the only place the sku map is coming from. It uses the old way of creating mapping redis records. In fact the demoshops will for sure not use it anymore.
There is an alternative way that newer modules are using that does not require a separate subscriber, the mapping entries will get synced when the redis entry that it points to is synced.
My best guess would be - a module that adds
<parameter name="mappings" value="sku:id_product_abstract"/>
does that for you.0
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