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Hello All, Does anyone know how to inactivate product (abstract and concrete) so it is not returned

Hello All,
Does anyone know how to inactivate product (abstract and concrete) so it is not returned in Glue anymore?
I have two stores. I detached it from both store via Zed panel but I can still see it in GET /catalog-search Glue endpoint.
Maybe is the product still in ES? Did u checked it?
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Nope. Is there a way to resync products?
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of course.. take a look to command
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Let me experiment a bit and I will come back with a feedback ASAP.
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I'll do the same
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Using latest spryker-shop/suite demo shop I can see that one message goes to the error queue after I deactivated a concrete product.
Failed to handle \"Entity.spy_product.update\" for listener \"Spryker\\Zed\\ProductListSearch\\Communication\\Plugin\\Event\\Listener\\ProductSearchListener\". Exception: \"Unable to execute SELECT statement [SELECT spy_product_category.id_product_category, spy_product_category.fk_category, spy_product_category.fk_product_abstract, spy_product_category.product_order, spy_category_node.id_category_node AS id_category_node FROM spy_product_category LEFT JOIN spy_category ON (spy_product_category.fk_category=spy_category.id_category) INNER JOIN spy_category_node ON (spy_category.id_category=spy_category_node.fk_category) LEFT JOIN spy_category_store ON (spy_category.id_category=spy_category_store.fk_category) LEFT JOIN spy_store ON (spy_category_store.fk_store=spy_store.id_store) WHERE spy_product_category.fk_product_abstract IN (:p1)]
Maybe this is the reason.
Could you check your rabbitmq as well?
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Yes, one sec.
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There are a lot of messages in error queue.
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What would be the best way to see whats in there?
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Set how many messages you want to retrieve.
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working on it
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It seems there issues with publishing:
{ "listenerClassName": "Spryker\\Zed\\ProductStorage\\Communication\\Plugin\\Event\\Listener\\ProductAbstractStoragePublishListener", "transferClassName": "Generated\\Shared\\Transfer\\EventEntityTransfer", "transferData": { "id": 1, "event": null, "name": null, "foreign_keys": [], "modified_columns": [], "original_values": [], "additional_values": [] }, "eventName": "Product.product_abstract.publish", "retry": 1, "retryMessage": "Retry on: Failed to handle \u0022Product.product_abstract.publish\u0022 for listener \u0022Spryker\\Zed\\ProductStorage\\Communication\\Plugin\\Event\\Listener\\ProductAbstractStoragePublishListener\u0022. Exception: \u0022Undefined index: US\u0022, \u0022#0 \/data\/vendor\/spryker\/rabbit-mq\/src\/Spryker\/Client\/RabbitMq\/Model\/Connection\/ConnectionManager.php(124): Spryker\\Shared\\ErrorHandler\\ErrorHandlerEnvironment-\u003ESpryker\\Shared\\ErrorHandler\\{closure}(8, \u0027Undefined index...\u0027, \u0027\/data\/vendor\/sp...\u0027, 124, Array)\n#1 \/data\/vendor\/spryker\/rabbit-mq\/src\/Spryker\/Client\/RabbitMq\/Model\/Publisher\/Publisher.php(131):
0 -
It seems this is related with incorrect store index.
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I can see incorrect store code in spy_product_abstract_storage as well.
It's US and we have BR and GB only.0 -
That means that you haven't adjusted your configuration accordingly.
Check you deploy.*.yml files.0 -
It's there. Everything seem to work as expected.
0 -
Is there a way to clean up _storage tables?
Or to resync them?
help here?0 -
What is there? Do you mean RMQ connections for US shop? If you don't have it, you need to remove it.
will sync from _storage and _search tables to Redis and ES respectively.events:trigger
will update _storage and _search tables.0 -
Also I've run
docker/sdk reset
locally to check if my exception is reproducible. This time deactivating a concrete product ran without messages ending up into error queue. And after that/catalog-search
doesn't return deactivated product anymore.So to answer to the initial question: it's enough to just deactivate all concretes of needed abstract product and it will disappear from Redis\ES and from Glue respectively.
0 -
Yes, we removed US sometimes back. We have BR and GB now.
I triggeredevents:trigger
earlier today, but still see US in _storage table.0 -
console publish:trigger-events --resource=product_abstract
andconsole publish:trigger-events --resource=product_concrete
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