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🧠 *TIL:* you can ignore the case-sensitive in your auto completion _terminal files/folders_ if

🧠 TIL: you can ignore the case-sensitive in your auto completion terminal files/folders if you add this in your ~/.inputrc
set completion-ignore-case On
so the idea is if you have a folder called
and you writeda
(lowercase) in the terminal, hitting tab will autocompleteData
? And what happens in ambiguous cases? It gives both options or fallbacks to the corresponding case match?0 -
Yes, @U01A5ARAXP0,
cd da
will autocomplete tocd Data/
If it’s ambiguous, then you will see all posible options below (as default behaviour).0 -
thanks for sharing... but now seeing the video I got a little disappointed... you have
, but the autocomplete will dodata
... and even thepwd
shows the lowercase version, was not expecting that...0 -
Right, me neither… that’s a 👎🏼 for this feature… but overall I like the idea. I will use it for a while 🙂
0 -
it works also for zshrc?
0 -
Yes, I use https://ohmyz.sh/. Btw, if you want more context/info, check this out https://askubuntu.com/a/87066 (I use macos, so this applies for all *nix systems)
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