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hi! sorry for the delay.
0 -
what were you attempting when encountering that error?
0 -
I am trying to hit www.de.b2c-demo-shop.local
0 -
hm, i just checked. these hosts are added by default in
:0 -
$trustedHosts = $config[HttpConstants::ZED_TRUSTED_HOSTS] = $config[HttpConstants::YVES_TRUSTED_HOSTS] = [ $yvesHost, $zedHost, ];
0 -
so those variables might be wrong on your machine
0 -
whatβs the
name in your .vm filie?0 -
it is VM_PROJECT='b2c-demo-shop'
0 -
And I see the same variables too
0 -
= $config[HttpConstants::ZED_TRUSTED_HOSTS]
= $config[HttpConstants::YVES_TRUSTED_HOSTS]
= [
];0 -
what does this give you inside the devvm:
?0 -
its blank
0 -
that is the problem π€
0 -
that is not inside the vm
0 -
0 -
You mean to say project is not inside vm?
0 -
0 -
no, you are not inside of vagrant (a.k.a. your vm/virtual machine)
0 -
vagrant ssh
and thenecho $VM_PROJECT
0 -
0 -
again I am getting timeout error
0 -
@U01AHAH9478 do you have a second?
0 -
we probably need a screenshare here
0 -
0 -
Shruti, can we have a call now? can you share your screen?
0 -
Yes Dmitry we can. Where we can connect?
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