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Hey everyone! I have deadly noob question…. 😞 I’m trying to make proper migration, but

Hey everyone!
I have deadly noob question…. 😞
I’m trying to make proper migration, but getting
Unable to get sequence id.
when I’m trying to make any operations with the DB.
Here is the Schema:
<?xml version="1.0"?> <database xmlns:xsi="<http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance>" name="zed" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="<http://static.spryker.com/schema-01.xsd>" namespace="Orm\Zed\HelloSpryker\Persistence" package="src.Orm.Zed.HelloSpryker.Persistence"> <table name="pyz_hello_spryker_vol_2"> <column name="id_hello_spryker" required="true" type="INTEGER" autoIncrement="true" primaryKey="true"/> <column name="reversed_string" required="true" type="VARCHAR" size="128"/> <id-method-parameter value="pyz_hello_spryker_vol_2_pk_seq"/> </table> </database>
Thanks for any advice.
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i assume you are using the current default postgres?
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the only difference to an example i have here that i can spontaneously see is the
<table name="pyz_hello_spryker" idMethod="native">
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can you please try that?
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Yes. It's default docker-based setup on Mac
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@UJN2JRU4F Tried it, but now I'm getting error during propel:install. Smth like "can't create index pyz_......". Aborted. I can copy exact error message in an hour if it would help
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might be worth checking
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almost sounds like it is already present
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possible for you to start over?
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let’s have a look at the full error first
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Tried to start from the very beginning, but the result is the same
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Ok. Created new schema<?xml version="1.0"?> <database xmlns="spryker:schema-01" xmlns:xsi="<http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance>" xsi:schemaLocation="spryker:schema-01 <https://static.spryker.com/schema-01.xsd>" name="zed" namespace="Orm\Zed\HelloSpryker\Persistence" package="src.Orm.Zed.HelloSpryker.Persistence"> <table name="pyz_hello_spryker_new" idMethod="native"> <column name="id_hello_spryker" required="true" type="INTEGER" autoIncrement="true" primaryKey="true"/> <column name="reversed_string" required="true" size="128" type="VARCHAR"/> <id-method-parameter value="pyz_hello_spryker_new_pk_seq"/> </table> </database>
Migration - success.
Still getting the same error.0 -
Ah, and tried to execute
SELECT nextval('pyz_hello_spryker_new_pk_seq')
directly at PgSQL and it works…Returns 1 as a result0 -
Another fact - switched to MySQL instead of Postgres.
docker/sdk up
Voila! 🙂 Everything remains the same….Dang…Panic mode - ON!….
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Need to have a deeper look tomorrow, sorry. What's your timezone?
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Emmm……And now the most interesting part! 🙂
After switching to MySQL (then bootstrapping app again)
After getting back to Postgres (then bootstrapping app again)
After 3 errors and docker restart - it eventually worked!!!!So THANK YOU SO MUCH for your time @UJN2JRU4F!!
But for now it looks like question dismissed…
So have a great evening (rest of the day)!
P.S. In case - my TZ is GMT+2 . Since I’m learning Spryker now - you’ll see lots of questions from me 🙂 Soooorrryyy ….0 -
You're welcome! Questions are very welcome!
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