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FYI clicking any of the get cert buttons results in 404

U01D3N9FPT2 Posts: 14 🧑🏻‍🚀 - Cadet

FYI clicking any of the get cert buttons results in 404


  • Thomas Lehner
    Thomas Lehner Support Engineer @ Spryker Posts: 289 🏛 - Council (mod)

    hey @U01D3N9FPT2 thanks for bringing this up. Let me clarify

  • U01D3N9FPT2
    U01D3N9FPT2 Posts: 14 🧑🏻‍🚀 - Cadet

    note: the email contains the correct link

  • Thomas Lehner
    Thomas Lehner Support Engineer @ Spryker Posts: 289 🏛 - Council (mod)

    Thanks for the update. Our academy team will take care of this asap. You were able to obtain your certificate from the email link, correct?

  • U01D3N9FPT2
    U01D3N9FPT2 Posts: 14 🧑🏻‍🚀 - Cadet

    yes, also it is in the email as attachment as well, so really no prob 🙂

  • Thomas Lehner
    Thomas Lehner Support Engineer @ Spryker Posts: 289 🏛 - Council (mod)

    ok, great 🙂

  • U01D3N9FPT2
    U01D3N9FPT2 Posts: 14 🧑🏻‍🚀 - Cadet

    after opening it from the email now the button on the bootcamp page working as well (maybe it just took some time to get the link ready 🙂 )

  • Thomas Lehner
    Thomas Lehner Support Engineer @ Spryker Posts: 289 🏛 - Council (mod)

    possibly 🤔 we will get to the bottom of it

  • U01D3N9FPT2
    U01D3N9FPT2 Posts: 14 🧑🏻‍🚀 - Cadet

    FYI @U01C1TABT0V had the same problem, so it is not unique to me 🙂

  • U01C1TABT0V
    U01C1TABT0V Posts: 61 🧑🏻‍🚀 - Cadet


  • U01C1TABT0V
    U01C1TABT0V Posts: 61 🧑🏻‍🚀 - Cadet

    the button from the email doesn't work for me, then I need to manually copy the link below it to see my cert

  • U01C1TABT0V
    U01C1TABT0V Posts: 61 🧑🏻‍🚀 - Cadet

    another thing: the email was in my Spam @tom.lehner

  • Thomas Lehner
    Thomas Lehner Support Engineer @ Spryker Posts: 289 🏛 - Council (mod)

    Thanks @U01C1TABT0V I will forward this to the academy team

  • U01C1TABT0V
    U01C1TABT0V Posts: 61 🧑🏻‍🚀 - Cadet


  • Thomas Lehner
    Thomas Lehner Support Engineer @ Spryker Posts: 289 🏛 - Council (mod)
    edited October 2020

    Quick update. We suspect this is a integration issue between our training platform and accredible. So far we were not able to reproduce the issue and it seems to be a race condition, as we could not reproduce it. Unfortunately, its hard to reproduce in general, but we will keep on it. Regarding the spam issue: not much we can do about on that front, i am afraid, as accredible is doing most of the work here. It is fine in most cases, however, from time to time those emails will go to spam for some people

  • UMT6U55RD
    UMT6U55RD Posts: 8 🧑🏻‍🚀 - Cadet

    @tom.lehner I had the same "issue" lsat night. Link was going to 404. Email is just working fine.

  • Thomas Lehner
    Thomas Lehner Support Engineer @ Spryker Posts: 289 🏛 - Council (mod)

    @UMT6U55RD Did you receive and click on the link relatively "fast" after completing the course? We suspect something like a race condition being at play here, since we cannot reproduce.

  • UMT6U55RD
    UMT6U55RD Posts: 8 🧑🏻‍🚀 - Cadet
    edited November 2020

    yes. clicked the link on the page directly after finishing the exam. clikced the link on the email this morning, so cannot tell if that would have worked.

  • Thomas Lehner
    Thomas Lehner Support Engineer @ Spryker Posts: 289 🏛 - Council (mod)

    That might be the problem. I will check with the team, whether there is something we can do, but i am afraid there is little. We will contact the vendor that makes the certificates though, so that they are aware. Thanks for reporting