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FYI clicking any of the get cert buttons results in 404

FYI clicking any of the get cert buttons results in 404
hey @U01D3N9FPT2 thanks for bringing this up. Let me clarify
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note: the email contains the correct link
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Thanks for the update. Our academy team will take care of this asap. You were able to obtain your certificate from the email link, correct?
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yes, also it is in the email as attachment as well, so really no prob 🙂
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ok, great 🙂
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after opening it from the email now the button on the bootcamp page working as well (maybe it just took some time to get the link ready 🙂 )
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possibly 🤔 we will get to the bottom of it
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FYI @U01C1TABT0V had the same problem, so it is not unique to me 🙂
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the button from the email doesn't work for me, then I need to manually copy the link below it to see my cert
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another thing: the email was in my Spam @tom.lehner
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Thanks @U01C1TABT0V I will forward this to the academy team
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Quick update. We suspect this is a integration issue between our training platform and accredible. So far we were not able to reproduce the issue and it seems to be a race condition, as we could not reproduce it. Unfortunately, its hard to reproduce in general, but we will keep on it. Regarding the spam issue: not much we can do about on that front, i am afraid, as accredible is doing most of the work here. It is fine in most cases, however, from time to time those emails will go to spam for some people
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@tom.lehner I had the same "issue" lsat night. Link was going to 404. Email is just working fine.
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@UMT6U55RD Did you receive and click on the link relatively "fast" after completing the course? We suspect something like a race condition being at play here, since we cannot reproduce.
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yes. clicked the link on the page directly after finishing the exam. clikced the link on the email this morning, so cannot tell if that would have worked.
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That might be the problem. I will check with the team, whether there is something we can do, but i am afraid there is little. We will contact the vendor that makes the certificates though, so that they are aware. Thanks for reporting
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