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Hi Team, I don’t know what change had made this appear whenever I open yves. Can someone help me so

Hi Team, I don’t know what change had made this appear whenever I open yves. Can someone help me solve this. what configuration i need to change.
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that’s odd
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zed and glue are reachable?
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are you on vanilla demoshop or do you have project customizations?
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zed is working find
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but Glue shows me {“errors”:[{“status”:404,“detail”:“Not Found”}]}
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are you not running any other webserver?
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docker/sdk ps
everything up and running?0 -
sudo lsof -i :443 | grep LISTEN
which program is using port 443?0 -
com.docke 648
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my questions would be then how can someone disable and enable Yves on environment
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so sure some configuration file I can just enable it
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if you enable the debugger: does it even load
?0 -
try also to set “break at first line”
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Thank you so much @U01LE4BMBK7 and @UJN2JRU4F By mistake my index.php was replaced. 😞 found while debugging.
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