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```Store: DE | Environment: development Creating Database RuntimeException - Exception: createdb: er

Store: DE | Environment: development Creating Database RuntimeException - Exception: createdb: error: could not connect to database template1: FATAL: role "root" does not exist in /home/sqli/Desktop/work/learning/sprker/b2c-demo-shop/vendor/spryker/propel/src/Spryker/Zed/Propel/Business/Model/PropelDatabase/Adapter/PostgreSql/CreatePostgreSqlDatabase.php (133)
Command: vendor/bin/console propel:install
where can i update my database role i tried updating it in deploy.dev.yml but nothing changed
Could you please bring more context and background?
What are the steps to reproduce here?
Are you just trying to setup demo shop with docker/sdk?
Or have you changed something already?0 -
Did you run
docker/sdk bootstrap deploy.dev.yml
after your changes in the deploy file?0 -
yes i've already created a new module, when i tried to install it's schema first I got error that createdb command does not exist, i logged into PostgreSQL container and installed it now i get role root doesn't exist when i try to create it PostgreSQL rejects it so I created a new one called spryker but I can't determine where the PostgreSQL credentials are saved, i changed them in deploy.dev.yml nothing changed
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So docker/sdk prepares\installs DB container based on credentials from deploy.file and when you change anything in the deploy file you need to run
docker/sdk bootstrap deploy.dev.yml
. But I'm not sure it will help you.
Logging in to DB container isn't and doing something there directly isn't the normal workflow I believe. I'm not sure what could go wrong here.0 -
well the error before i logged into it was createdb command not found so I don't know how can a PostgreSQL container be installed without PostgreSQL
0 -
createdb command not found
means something else and has to be fixed in the first place.0 -
that is correct. and we need to help find this other thing π
0 -
@U0248GM8SUD, please never manually change anything in the containers, or only if you are 100% aware of what you are doing
0 -
let us go step by step
0 -
so after cloning the b2c demoshop, bootstrapping it, and upping the env the above error appears, correct @U0248GM8SUD?
0 -
@UJN2JRU4F yes
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