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I’m trying to install the demo installation with vagrant on Mac as suggested. During “vagrant up”, I

I’m trying to install the demo installation with vagrant on Mac as suggested. During “vagrant up”, I’m getting the following error message: Authentication failure
. Any idea? Docker installation working as expected.
Hey Herbert, for Mac I would recommend to work with Docker, as well as for other Linux-based system. Vagrant is recommended for Windows
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Great, thanks 👍
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No probs! 👍
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During “vagrant up”, I’m getting the following error message: Authentication failure
At what step? Could you please provide more logs or a screenshot?
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Here you find the full output of vagrant up
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The error states that the devvm wasn't able to boot in time. Either there are performance issues or the box is broken. I would try to boot it from Virtual Box UI.
I have never seen such a problem yet.0
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