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Heya, for the bootcamp do you have to use the vagrant devvm or can you use docker development? if y

Heya, for the bootcamp do you have to use the vagrant devvm or can you use docker development? if you can use docker development what do you need to run the console command? composer?
looks like it's looking for
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so the vendor file is built in docker and the sync'd or something? is there a way to rebuild the vendor file, maybe the composer yml is missing the local linkage to the container? am i meant to build it locally on my own machine? that would seem to me counter-intuitive...
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You can also use docker. There might be minor differences, but no showstoppers
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ah, so you need to reference the actual command to the docker container
docker/sdk console
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In the docker setup guide you will see the usage of the docker sdk that will allow you to call the console in a container
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Yes, like in your example
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okee, so then is there some sort of sync command? I ran
docker/sdk console code;generate:module:yves HelloWorld
given what Hussam seys in the video that would lead me to believe that there would be a HelloWorld module in Yves.
but no dice
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so I check maybe it didn't work, try running it agian?
β― docker/sdk console code:generate:module:yves HelloWorld --> DEVELOPMENT MODE Store: DE | Environment: docker.dev [warning] Already exists: Pyz/Yves/HelloWorld/Controller/IndexController.php [warning] Already exists: Pyz/Yves/HelloWorld/Plugin/Provider/HelloWorldControllerProvider.php [warning] Already exists: Pyz/Yves/HelloWorld/Theme/default/index/index.twig [warning] Already exists: Pyz/Yves/HelloWorld/HelloWorldFactory.php
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which means it did create it on the docker instance, but I don't have it locally, I'm thinking...
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there is a docker-sync process running in the background, indeed
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what is your OS?
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do I need rsync or something?
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maybe I need to add docker-sync to my path...
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gem install docker-sync
had to do this awhile back to get things rolling0 -
idk looks like docker-sync is running
success Sync container started success Starting Docker-Sync in the background
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i think it would warn you otherwise π€
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i guess the experts on that are not available anymore today. itβs pretty late here
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hey no worries, thanks for the response anyway
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I'll give it a bump with some deets coming into next week.
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just as a little headsup: the bootcamp will get an update on monday, in case you face something broken, would be nice to post this in
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otherwise i wish you a nice weekend!
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u2 π thanks @UJN2JRU4F
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this actually sounds like one for
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