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Hello Community. A couple of questions about Carts. Some of our users are leaving carts open on our

Hello Community. A couple of questions about Carts. Some of our users are leaving carts open on our store and this is generating a good amount of product reserves on our availability making it impossible for other users to purchase that inventory. (Some carts sometimes may take a day or tow to be concluded)
- Is there a way we can setup a cart expiration time, in a configuration, in order for carts over that time to be deleted and reserves return to stock?
- Could we make carts do no generate that reserve into spryker availability , meaning only affecting availability at order purchase?
What you mean with let the carts open? If I remember correctly, items in the basket would not be reserved for customer. If customer makes the checkout and chose prepayment, the items will be reserved in the payment pending state by default. You could add a timeout or remove the reservation. this will be handled in the oms xml files under config/zed/oms/XXXXX,xml
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Yes that is my understanding too - there is no reservation in the cart context (customer context) but there is reservation on orders that have been placed (backoffice context)
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However I would be interested if Spryker has a cart reservation feature that I am not aware of π‘
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hi i found that there is already CronJob exists which clears the guest cart after certain time through cronjob /spryker-b2c/config/Zed/cronjobs/jenkins.php $jobs[] = [
'name' => 'clean-expired-guest-cart',
'command' => '$PHP_BIN vendor/bin/console quote:delete-expired-guest-quotes',
'schedule' => '30 1 * * *',
'enable' => true,
'stores' => $allStores,
];0 -
you can clone this for all users binding condition on the timebase to clear out the cart after some hour as per your need
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