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Hi, I seem to have problem with a extended Facade and the resolving of the facades by the service lo

I seem to have problem with a extended Facade and the resolving of the facades by the service locator.
I have create a custom ShipmentFacade
+ Interface
which I try to add to a custom module as a dependency:
$container->set(static::FACADE_SHIPMENT, function (Container $container) { $container->getLocator()->shipment()->facade(); });
The IDE autocompletion works fine:
<?php namespace Generated\Zed\Ide; * @method \Spryker\Client\Shipment\ShipmentClientInterface client() * @method \Spryker\Service\Shipment\ShipmentServiceInterface service() * @method \Pyz\Zed\Shipment\Business\ShipmentFacadeInterface facade() * @method \Spryker\Zed\Shipment\Persistence\ShipmentQueryContainerInterface queryContainer() */ interface Shipment {}
But when it gets called during runtime the original Facade was already called and in the cache of the FacadeResolver
Did I miss anything here, do I need to register the facade properly?
Hey, the class resolver probably still has the original facade path cached.
You need to clear the cache:docker/sdk console cache:class-resolver:build
0 -
@U01K43ADW5N Your of course totally right. It's to hot for that shit... π¦
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