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Hi all, We encountered a bug - but we are not sure whether someone already solved this problem, or w
Hi all,
We encountered a bug - but we are not sure whether someone already solved this problem, or whether it is already a known issue. Maybe you know a work around?
When a default Image Set is attached to an abstract product (so not separated by language) the Sort order does not work on the PDP.
When the Image Sets are separated by language it does work on the PDP.
Do you know how to fix this?Β πΒ I think it is better to fix this bug rather than attaching the same images to x languages. And yes same behaviour in the demo shop b2bΒ π
Cheers and thanks,
Might be another bug in the area worth investigating. Could you please create a support request? π
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will do
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We got it, thanks. Will assign to myself for the first investigation.
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If you have further questions feel free to contact me π
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In case you wonder why didn't you get any notifications... there is a small typo in your email you provided in the form so all the notifications returned back as not delivered due to timeout. π
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Thanks @valerii.trots . How can I find out what the solution is? π
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There is no solution yet.
I meant notifications from support desk system that your ticket has been received and is in such and such status, etc.0 -
Unfortunately we are not capable to investigate and fix so fast. π
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I received an email on friday and I thought it was closed already - thanks for the update π
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Maybe about another ticket, I'm not sure.
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my mistake - sorry - I didn't see that 'Diagnosis' is highlighted bold in the email. Only now after having a second look.
But thanks for the update π0 -
So you've still gotten the notification despite the wrong email and failed email delivery... π€
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I received one email yes π Friday, 27. August 2021 at 16:33
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