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Is there a “spryker” way to generate orders for local environment?

Is there a “spryker” way to generate orders for local environment?
Do a checkout 😉
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I don’t want to do it over and over again. And I want to test thinks with glue and orders.
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There is no tool provided out of the box to generate a certain amount of orders.
You can write a SQL script to fill the spy_sales_order_* tables with the correct data, but this pretty much depends on your project and product structures, so it's pretty hard to give a general advice on this0 -
Ok will code it myself.
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I've done that a few weeks ago. Needed a bulk of orders to measure OMS processing time for the sake of optimization.
I ended up using https://gatling.io/open-source/ to create me a scala script which calls the shop urls needed to
• log in a customer
• add product(s) to cart
• check out that cart
• log out the customer
in order, until I'm having enough orders.Does that help?
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By "shop urls" I mean your Glue endpoints, of course.
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If you need bulk orders, then something like gatling might be helpful.
If all you want to do is test your Glue endpoints with single orders, then I'd suggest to write proper endpoint tests the Spryker way.
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You can also create a Postman collection for that and run it each time you need an order. We have one in place and we also use the “environments” feature of postman, which allows us to use the same collection to create orders locally or on our staging environment. You can do the same with http-files inside PhpStorm
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