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hey, I have couple questions about state machine assuming, I have multiple stores configured, if I r

hey, I have couple questions about state machine
assuming, I have multiple stores configured, if I run
APPLICATION_STORE=EN oms:check-condition
will conditions be verified only for EN store, or for all stores?
could this command check conditions for other stores?
what will happen if I run
APPLICATION_STORE=EN oms:check-condition --store-name=DE
For an old/legacy Spryker Shop I had 7 Stores and a lot of StateMachines and OMS State Machines. I had a lot of this problems... cronjob settings that trigger only a store specific state machine or oms and not mix the execution of this (each store can also have a different db for example)..
And I solved just to call the stateMachine always with StoreName as Suffix... Separate the Cronjobs for each Stores etc... (naturally when ur code have to trigger the statemachine have to trigger the right state machine)..
I attach some screenshots from my old project (JetApp - Privat Charter with FlightBooking).. maybe so u can have a better idea...
p.s..: Every Job naturally was triggered with correct APPLICATION_STORE.
For Example (as said legacy Spryker):
[ -f /var/www/jetapp/html/deploy/vars ] && . /var/www/jetapp/html/deploy/vars export APPLICATION_ENV=production export APPLICATION_STORE=CH cd $destination_release_dir . ./config/Zed/cronjobs/cron.conf $PHP_BIN bin/console state-machine:check-condition -s BrokerCH
I don't know if with the current Shop Version is this still possible (i have currently only DE Store).. But I think that this solution about me is clean and is perfect for better split business logic / jobs etcc... for each StateMachine - Store combination.
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p.s.: Of course your db table related to state machine and sales order table related to oms state machine MUST be store fk as field, otherwise u don't know more which state machine is currently assigned to your data in db..
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@UKHR9UN00 do u remember it? 🙂
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