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Hello Techies , Can anyone share spryker command for module create or extend it ?

Hello Techies , Can anyone share spryker command for module create or extend it ?
You can use the new SDK: https://docs.spryker.com/docs/sdk/dev/spryker-sdk.html#getting-started
spryker-sdk list
will show you all available commands and I'm sure there is one to create a new module (spryker-sdk generate:php:add-module
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@UL6DGRULR One more help needed. I want to add custom attributes(Attribute 1 , Attribute 2) to product by creating new table product_custom_attribute that should associate with product display in front end and back end. How can i do this?
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Please have a read before on product attributes in the documentation.
There is a difference between attributes (something that is used for displaying or is optional) and properties of a product (something that has a meaning and some part of the code is relying on).For attributes you do not need to create a new field or even a new table. Those are saved in
for concretes/articles), respectively in their_localized
euqivalent if they should be translatable.
See https://docs.spryker.com/docs/scos/user/back-office-user-guides/202005.0/catalog/attributes/creating-product-attributes.html for an intro into product attributes.If you do want to have a separate DB field, for example because your code relies on the fact that this field is always present, you do not need to create a new table. By creating a new table you will decrease the performance, as per default propel does not fetch relations, but only when they are needed. This means that
will cause two DB queries.
Instead you can add columns to existing tables in Spryker: https://docs.spryker.com/docs/scos/dev/back-end-development/zed/persistence-layer/database-schema-definition.html0 -
ok Thanks
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@UL6DGRULR It is very useful
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@UL6DGRULR How can we add new fields for account profile and Order Details?
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Account = spy_customer:
with<?xml version="1.0"?> <database xmlns="spryker:schema-01" xmlns:xsi="<http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance>" name="zed" xsi:schemaLocation="spryker:schema-01 <https://static.spryker.com/schema-01.xsd>" namespace="Orm\Zed\Customer\Persistence" package="src.Orm.Zed.Customer.Persistence"> <table name="spy_customer"> <column name="your_column" type="COLUMN TYPE" /> </table> </database>
and run
console propel:install
to create the field in the DB and in the entity.This is all part of the bootcamp (https://academy.spryker.com/learn/course/external/view/elearning/89/developer-bootcamp) if you haven't already gone through I would strongly advice you to do so.
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Order Details = spy_sales_order
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Ok Thanks
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We are facing this issue when run console propel:install command. After creating Schema for extend customer table..
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@UL6DGRULR If i want to add two field - One String Value , Second - hashmap then can we do it?
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