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Good morning, I have issues with configuring xdebug for devvm. xdebug.ini is set upon Spryker docume
Good morning, I have issues with configuring xdebug for devvm. xdebug.ini is set upon Spryker documentation, xdebug inside devvm installed, mapping set. After starting listening get just: "Waiting for incoming connection with ide key 'PHPSTORM'" Breakpoints are completely ignored. Someone has an idea maybe? Thanks.
Activate xdebug logs via .ini
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Hi Patrick. Thank you, will try and report
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Added this line to xdebug.ini. Restarted php7.2-fpm. Relaunched xdebug session. Nothing changed.
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Thats how my xdebug.ini looks like: zend_extension=xdebug.so
xdebug.extended_info = 1
xdebug.remote_log = /tmp/xdebug.logThis is needed to prevent max recursion exeception when Twig templates are very complicated
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Hey Alexey. You followed this doc https://documentation.spryker.com/docs/debugging-setup right?
Please check the number of connections in ide. If that is not a problem, try switching opcache off
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Hi Evgenia, yes, exactly
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In PHPStorm, go to: Settings (Preferences->Languages & Frameworks)->PHP->Debug -> Under External connections increase Max. simultaneous connections to 2.
So this is correct, right?
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Yes. Here:
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this looks right
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try to debug Yves, set breakpoints in public/Yves/index.php
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Please try opcache then.
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Opcache is disabled. I think I got it!
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I just reset the IP in xdbug to from in the xdebug.ini. Now it seems to work.
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A bit prehistory: I had to set VM_IP in .VM to because of reasons, initially it is So I thought, I have to change to .68 in xdebug.ini as well.
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Which seems to be wrong, in xdebug.ini it still has to be .1, despite the fact, that the vm runs now on .68 Strange, but ok, at least it works now
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Thank you all for your help anyway š
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Iām glad it works for you š
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you can use
command to detect Gateway IP and use it in xdebug conf:vagrant@vm- current git:(master) route Kernel IP routing table Destination Gateway Genmask Flags Metric Ref Use Iface default UG 0 0 0 enp0s3 U 0 0 0 enp0s3 U 0 0 0 enp0s8
in my case it's
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Super! Thanks a lot for the hint, Roman!
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