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Hi Guys, i have upgraded my spryker project from 202001 to 202009 after upgrading when i am trying t

Hi Guys, i have upgraded my spryker project from 202001 to 202009 after upgrading when i am trying to run the frontend:yves:build command its throwing me below error, any suggestions on this?
Hi Shivam.
Check theShopUi/Theme/default/components/molecules/product-item/product-item.ts
component if itβs overridden at the project level.
interface must have thesku?: string;
If the component is used from the core, theshop-ui
module must be at least version 1.59.00 -
Hi, I checked ShopUi/Theme/default/components/molecules/product-item/product-item.ts its not overridden at the project level. Also i have updated the shop-ui version to 1.59.0 now i am getting below error.
0 -
I guess there is some confusion with the module version in your project.
Because the SKU comes to theproduct-group-widget
module here and shouldnβt be in the 202009 release.
So I see two options:- The
modules should be downgraded according to the 202009 release. - The
modules should be updatedproduct-group-widget
to 1.9.1 andshop-ui
to 1.60.1, but this way new errors may appear due to newer module versions than the release.
0 - The
I don't find product-group-widget in my composer file also its not there in demo shop's composer file still do i need to install this? and from where i can get this?
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It requires PHP 8 i believe thats why its not there in 202009
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According to your first screenshot, the project has the module.
Maybe into some feature.0 -
Yes i have but in which feature it is included i don't know so how can i update the version here
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Please try check via
composer depends spryker-shop/product-group-widget
If it doesnβt help, itβs better to ask one of the BE devs.
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This command gives "spryker-feature/product-groups 202009.0 requires spryker-shop/product-group-widget (^1.7.0)" in response. I added "spryker-shop/product-group-widget: "^1.9.1" in composer file ran composer update command. Now, it's giving below error
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