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Hey guys, I'm currently trying to setup CI/CD with codeception acceptance tests. Some of the out of

Hey guys,
I'm currently trying to setup CI/CD with codeception acceptance tests.
Some of the out of the box tests are failing, this is the image of the failing tests.
It seems like the translations are not correctly put out and therefore the texts can't be found. Has someone experience something like that?
Screenshot says that the data from DB hasn't been synchronized into ES\Redis.
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Sequence should be something like:
- docker/sdk boot -v deploy.ci.acceptance.mariadb.yml - docker/sdk up -t - docker/sdk testing console queue:worker:start --stop-when-empty - docker/sdk testing codecept run -c codeception.acceptance.yml
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Thanks for the response, @valerii.trots,
That is my script (GitlabCI), and unfortunatly it's still not working:.tests: ... before_script: - apk update && apk upgrade && apk add bash curl git - docker info - docker-compose -v - git clone <https://github.com/spryker/docker-sdk.git> ./docker - bash docker/sdk boot -v $YMLPATH - bash docker/sdk up -t -v - bash docker/sdk testing console queue:worker:start --stop-when-empty validation: extends: .tests variables: YMLPATH: deploy.ci.acceptance.yml script: - bash docker/sdk testing codecept run ...
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Maybe someone else will have ideas or how they did that.
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Ok, the issue is/was that I removed the part:
regions: EU: stores: AT: services: broker: namespace: at-docker key_value_store: namespace: 2 search: namespace: at_search session: namespace: 1
From the depoy.ci.acceptance.yml, because we don't habe an austrian shop.
But I don't understand, why this lets the tests fail, anyone an idea?0 -
Ok, found the issue.
In stores.php the Austrian shop was still mentioned and the syncing was failing, although there was no error regarding that0
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