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Hello, with some recent updates for the spryker testify updates, there were changes made for the env
with some recent updates for the spryker testify updates, there were changes made for the env variables
It gets checked and set to default values DE,AT, which are not valid stores in our case
Where do i have to set SPRYKER_ACTIVE_STORES to make it work again? When i run a printenv on the testing container, it prints our store correctly (CN) β¦ but in the stores php on the breakpoint, the default values DE, AT are fetched.
Any ideas?
Best regards and have a nice weekend.
you can set it in the deployment yaml configuration I think. So for local development it should be deploy.dev.yml file for example
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Yes there its set correctly to only the one CN we have at the moment
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oh ok, thats weird indeed
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I mean you could probably just remove the fallback if it does not work for your setup, anyway. But then probably its empty...
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hmmm ill try to bootstrap again β¦ maybe thats needed with the testify update
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No change β¦ it seems SPRYKER_ACTIVE_STORES is not defined when running
docker/sdk cli -t vendor/bin/codecept run -c
But when i run
docker/sdk cli -t printenv | grep SPRYKER_ACTIVE_STORES
the result is
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hm ok, would be interesting if that applies to other env vars as well. Otherwise you could probably set it by prepending the command with SPRYKER_ACTIVE_STORES=CN docker/sdk ...
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but this does not help much if more env vars are not initalized correctly π
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ah no, probably that also does not work if php does not load it correctly
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I think we changed it in the store configuration to fallback to one of our default stores, if the env variable is not set. Another way might be this file here to set env variables for testing env? default.yml -> https://docs.spryker.com/docs/scos/dev/the-docker-sdk/202108.0/running-tests-with-the-docker-sdk.html#configure-codeception
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It seems to be running a single modules testsuite does not work since the envs are not loaded with the corresponding codeception.yml
As far as i understood the codeception.yml on root level does only aggregate any codeception.yml in tests/PyzTest// β¦ but pointing to a specific codeception.yml wonβt inlcude any env since its simply not configured into them β¦0
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